RH_LS151 Richmond, VA Tue Nov 12, 2024 VA Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Staunton VA Livestock Auction Weekly Auction for Fri Nov 8, 2024 All prices per hundredweight unless otherwise stated Feeder Cattle 902 head Feeder Steers 435 head Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 300- 400 310.00-335.00 400- 500 285.00-311.00 500- 600 259.00-296.00 600- 700 231.00-268.00 700- 800 242.00-247.00 800- 900 193.00-221.00 900-1000 238.50-242.50 Feeder Steers Medium and Large 2 300- 400 280.00-328.00 400- 500 280.00-308.00 500- 600 231.00-280.00 600- 700 232.00-255.00 700- 800 220.00-239.00 800- 900 200.00 900-1000 185.00 1000-1100 180.00 Feeder Heifers 356 head Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 300- 400 195.00-250.00 400- 500 235.50-236.00 500- 600 225.00-228.00 600- 700 217.00-221.00 700- 800 187.00-206.00 800- 900 180.00-207.00 900-1000 207.00-211.00 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2 300- 400 223.00-245.00 400- 500 210.00-221.00 500- 600 219.00-224.00 600- 700 212.00-217.00 700- 800 203.00 800- 900 176.00-185.00 900-1000 211.00 Feeder Bulls 111 head Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 300- 400 325.00 400- 500 231.00-279.00 500- 600 242.00-245.00 600- 700 226.00 700- 800 223.00-230.00 800- 900 180.00-207.00 Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 2 300- 400 245.00-300.00 400- 500 235.00-241.00 500- 600 190.00-225.00 700- 800 185.00 800- 900 200.00 Slaughter Cattle 77 head Slaughter Cows 68 head Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80% Lean 1200-1600 104.00-110.00 Slaughter Cows Breaker High Yielding 1200-1600 113.00-117.00 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Lean 800-1200 103.00-110.00 1200-2000 94.00-111.00 Slaughter Cows Boner High Yielding 800-1200 114.00-116.00 1200-2000 109.00-122.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% Lean 750- 850 104.00 850-1200 76.00-105.00 Slaughter Bulls 9 head Slaughter Bulls YG 1-2 1000-1500 124.00 1500-2500 111.00-135.00 Slaughter Bulls High Yielding 1500-2500 134.00-141.00 All prices per hundredweight unless otherwise stated. Price and grade information is reported by VDACS Livestock Marketing and disseminated by Virginia Market News Service. While market reports reflect the majority of cattle at each sale, there are instances where animals do not fit reporting categories and are not included. Source: Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services USDA-VA Market News, Richmond, VA 804.786-3947 www.vdacs.virginia.gov/markets-and-finance-market-news.shtml market.news@vdacs.virginia.gov 1031e jsh tf