RH_LS152 Richmond, VA Mon Nov 25, 2024 VA Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Tri-State VA Livestock Auction Weekly Auction for Fri Nov 22, 2024 All prices per hundredweight unless otherwise stated Feeder Cattle 513 head Feeder Steers 200 head Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 200- 300 282.50 300- 400 245.00-320.00 400- 500 312.50-325.00 500- 600 230.00-305.00 600- 700 238.00-261.00 700- 800 237.00-246.00 800- 900 228.00 900-1000 168.00 1000-1100 149.00-168.00 Feeder Steers Medium and Large 2 200- 300 280.00 300- 400 285.00-335.00 400- 500 230.00-312.00 500- 600 270.00-272.00 600- 700 190.00-229.00 700- 800 150.00-206.00 800- 900 212.00 900-1000 149.00 1000-1100 137.00 Feeder Holstein Steers 13 head Feeder Holstein Steers Large 2-3 200- 300 222.00 300- 400 166.50-220.00 400- 500 170.00-195.00 500- 600 195.00 600- 700 194.00 700- 800 132.00-174.00 800- 900 170.00 900-1000 121.00 Feeder Heifers 200 head Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 200- 300 222.50-260.00 300- 400 230.00-262.00 400- 500 230.00-250.00 500- 600 170.00-267.00 600- 700 179.00-226.00 700- 800 180.00-200.00 800- 900 180.00-190.00 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2 200- 300 202.50-270.00 300- 400 235.00-265.00 400- 500 211.00-260.00 500- 600 222.00-240.00 600- 700 175.00-237.00 700- 800 173.00 800- 900 173.00-200.00 Feeder Bulls 100 head Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 200- 300 325.00 300- 400 280.00-285.00 400- 500 292.00-319.00 500- 600 246.00-285.00 600- 700 242.00-296.00 700- 800 183.00-209.00 800- 900 174.00-183.00 900-1000 140.00 Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 2 200- 300 264.00 300- 400 264.00-312.50 400- 500 250.00-262.50 500- 600 223.00-236.00 600- 700 205.00 700- 800 150.00-184.00 800- 900 176.00 900-1000 135.00 Slaughter Cattle 150 head Slaughter Cows 150 head Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80% Lean 850-1200 110.00-120.00 1200-1600 108.00-126.00 Slaughter Cows Breaker High Yielding 1200-1600 128.00-136.00 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Lean 800-1200 100.00-120.00 1200-2000 115.00-120.00 Slaughter Cows Boner High Yielding 1200-2000 126.00-130.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% Lean 750- 850 96.00-99.00 850-1200 101.00-106.00 Cows Returned To Farm 14 head Medium and Large 1, 2-10 years old 900-1200 1100.00-1450.00 per head Cows With Calves At Side 9 pair Medium and Large 1, 2-10 years old with calves 25-375 lb calves 900-1350 1525.00-2250.00 per pair All prices per hundredweight unless otherwise stated. Price and grade information is reported by VDACS Livestock Marketing and disseminated by Virginia Market News Service. While market reports reflect the majority of cattle at each sale, there are instances where animals do not fit reporting categories and are not included. Source: Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services USDA-VA Market News, Richmond, VA 804.786-3947 www.vdacs.virginia.gov/markets-and-finance-market-news.shtml market.news@vdacs.virginia.gov 0947 jsh wjc