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The formation of the first Board of Agriculture was authorized by the Virginia General Assembly on March 5, 1888. Today’s Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services consists of citizens and practicing farmers from each Virginia congressional district and two pesticide-industry professionals. Board members are appointed by the Governor for a four-year term. The presidents of Virginia State University and Virginia Tech are ex officio members of the board.

The requirements, powers and duties of the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services are established in the Code of Virginia.

President Vice-President Secretary
Donald H. Horsley Margaret Ann Smith Kevin Schmidt
Board Members    
1st District Keith Harris Heathsville, Virginia
2nd District Donald H. Horsley Virginia Beach, Virginia
3rd District Raymond Keating Norfolk, Virginia
4th District Brittany Jones Blackstone, Virginia
5th District Cecil Shell Kenbridge, Virginia
6th District Margaret Ann Smith   Lexington, Virginia
7th District Jacquelin Easter Link Alton, Virginia
8th District Kailee M. Tkacz Buller Alexandria, Virginia
9th District

James S. Huffard, III

Crockett, Virginia
10th District Tyler Wegmeyer Hamilton, Virginia
11th District Richard S. Sellers Burke, Virginia
Pesticides – Commercial
Virginia Barnes Wicomico Church, Virginia
Pesticides – Commercial
Charles Church Norfolk, Virginia
Ex Officio Members    
Dr. Timothy D. Sands
Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia
Dr. Makola M. Abdullah
Virginia State University Petersburg, Virginia

Meetings/Public Hearings

The board holds four regular business meetings each year. With the exception of the summer meeting, which is usually held in a different region of the Commonwealth, meetings are conducted in the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond. Additional meetings required for public hearings, planning and new member orientation are held as needed. Public hearings are normally held in conjunction with regular business meetings. Please see Virginia’s Regulatory Town Hall for more information.

Kevin Schmidt
Secretary of the Board of Agriculture & Consumer Services

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