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The Charitable Gaming Board advises the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services on all aspects of the conduct of charitable gaming in Virginia. The Board consists of nine members, who are appointed by the Governor Pursuant to §2.2-2455 of the Code of Virginia, the Board consists of the following members:

  • One member a charitable organization subject to Article 1.1:1 (§ 18.2-340.15 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 18.2 in good standing with the Department;
  • One member who is a charitable gaming supplier registered and in good standing with the Department;
  • One member who is an owner, lessor, or lessee of premises where charitable gaming is conducted;
  • At least one member who is or has been a law-enforcement officer in Virginia but who (i) is not a charitable gaming supplier registered with the Department, (ii) is not a lessor of premises where charitable gaming is conducted, (iii) is not a member of a charitable organization, or (iv) does not have an interest in or is not affiliated with such supplier or charitable organization or owner, lessor, or lessee of premises where charitable gaming is conducted; and
  • Five citizens who do not have an interest in or are not affiliated with a charitable organization, charitable gaming supplier, or owner, lessor, or lessee of premises where charitable gaming is conducted.
The requirements, powers and duties of the Charitable Gaming Board are established in the Code of Virginia. The Board is also required to adopt rules and procedures for the conduct of its business, which these rules and procedures may be found by clicking here.

Members of the Charitable Gaming Board

Dirksen Compton, Chair
Joanne Smith, Vice-Chair
Anthony Amos
Mark Biladeau
Tyrone Foster
Rebecca Johnson
Michael Kimlick
Bonnie Whitlock
Anthony Williams


The Charitable Gaming Board will meet on the following dates in 2024:
  • March 12, 2024
  • June 20, 2024
  • October 2, 2024
  • December 18, 2024
Meeting notices and minutes of the Charitable Gaming Board and/or its workgroups are available on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall. The following is the latest meeting notice and minutes:

The following are audio recording of previous virtual meetings of the Charitable Gaming Board and/or its workgroups:

Due to the data size of the audio recording, the amount of time to access and download the recording may vary.

Michael Menefee
Secretary of the Charitable Gaming Board

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