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Farmland Preservation Tools

Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Programs

Purchase of development rights (PDR) programs are designed to compensate landowners who voluntarily place an agricultural conservation easement on their property. A conservation easement is a deed restriction designed to protect a specific conservation purpose.

Virginia localities interested in developing a PDR program should contact the Office of Working Lands Preservation at the Virginia Department of Forestry.

Agricultural and Forestal Districts

The Code of Virginia authorizes localities to adopt districts designed to protect working farm and forestland. These agricultural and forestal districts are voluntary agreements between landowners and the locality, and offer benefits to landowners that agree to keep their land in its current use for a period of four to 10 years. Localities are required by the Code of Virginia to provide the VDACS Commissioner with a copy of the ordinance for new agricultural and forestal districts, and any changes that are made to these districts.

Use Value Assessment

The Code of Virginia allows localities to assess land that meets certain eligibility requirements at its current use value and not at its fair market value when determining local property taxes. The four categories for use value assessment are agricultural, horticultural, forestry and open space. Suggested tax rates for each of these categories are provided to localities by the State Land Evaluation and Advisory Council (SLEAC). For more information on the use value assessment program and SLEAC, please click here.

Conservation Easement Donation

There are options for landowners interested in donating a conservation easement on their property. Please contact the Virginia Department of Forestry for more information.

Amanda Scheps, Working Lands Program Manager

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