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The Office of Agriculture and Forestry Development (OAFD) provides economic development assistance to businesses involved in food, forestry or agriculture. The office administers the AFID grant program.

General Assistance for Agribusiness

OAFD staff maintains a list of financing resources for agribusiness and can provide a variety of business assistance services and referrals.

AFID – Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund

The AFID Fund allows the Governor to make discretionary, matching grants to localities and other political subdivisions through the grants listed below to support economic development related to agriculture and forestry across the Commonwealth.

VFAIF – Virginia Food Access Investment Fund

VFAIF grants are awarded to businesses and non-profit organizations to expand retail fresh food access to underserved communities.

VADO – Virginia Ag Development Officers Group

Networking and professional development opportunities for economic developers interested in learning more about agriculture and forestry.

Rachel Meyers
Office of Agriculture and Forestry Development

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