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Blue Catfish Infrastructure Grant Program

Introduced several decades ago, the blue catfish is an invasive species that has been documented in all of Virginia’s tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay. They eat shad, herring, striped bass, menhaden, clams and blue crabs and there is concern that large catfish populations pose a detrimental impact on the populations of these species.

Virginia State Code §3.2-312 - Blue Catfish Processing, Flash Freezing, and Infrastructure Grant Program authorizes the Governor to award grants from the Fund for the Blue Catfish Processing, Flash Freezing, and Infrastructure Grant Program to encourage efforts by political subdivisions to support the processing, flash freezing, and infrastructure of invasive blue catfish species. Any funds awarded by the Governor shall be awarded as reimbursable grants of no more than $250,000 per grant to political subdivisions to support blue catfish processing, flash freezing, and infrastructure projects.

Grant awards will be made on a competitive basis based on the strength of a candidate’s application. Applicants must follow the AFID Infrastructure Program Application format. Grant priority will be given to the following project types:

  • Projects that create processing, flash freezing, and infrastructure capacity in proximity to small-scale blue catfish watermen.
  • Processing facilities that are primarily locally owned, including packaging, freezing, and labeling facilities that are used for processing blue catfish.
  • Projects that involve or incorporate existing seafood processors and businesses.
  • Projects located in the localities of the Rural Coastal Virginia Community Enhancement Authority or in Planning District 23.

The next grant round for the Governor’s Blue Catfish Processing, Flash Freezing, and Infrastructure Grant Program will open on July 22nd, 2024, and will close on September 6th, 2024. During the funding round, completed applications should be emailed to Rachel Meyers, Office of Agriculture and Forestry Development, at rachel.meyers@vdacs.virginia.gov or by postal mail to:

The Office of Agriculture and Forestry Development
102 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219

Rachel Meyers, Program Manager
Office of Agriculture and Forestry Development

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