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The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and USDA Forest Service are cooperating in the aerial application of Foray insecticide and the spongy moth mating disruption pheromone in the counties listed below. The application of Foray will be conducted using either helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft and the mating disruption pheromone application will be conducted using fixed-wing aircraft from daybreak to nightfall.

The timing of the aerial treatments is scheduled to coincide with early caterpillar development (April-May) for Foray and the emergence of the adult spongy moth (mid-May to late June) for the mating disruption pheromone. Weather conditions during April and early May will determine the rate at which spongy moth larva develop and is therefore a major factor in determining the treatment dates. Due to unpredictable weather conditions, the specific treatment dates cannot be determined until just prior to spongy moth emergence. 

VDACS will monitor spongy moth development during April and early May and provide updates to the schedule below. Please check this webpage periodically to obtain final treatment dates for your county or call 804.371.2175 for a pre-recorded message with daily treatment schedules. The dates below are subject to change.

Tentative Treatment schedule:

Block Name - County/City Treatment - Treatment Dates
Oak Level MD (OAKLE_1) - Halifax Completed June 6th
Troutdale MD (WHIMT_1) - Smyth, Grayson Completed June 11th
Broadford MD (BROAD_1) - Tazewell, Russell, Smyth Completed June 11th
Broadford Btk (BROAD_2) - Tazewell Completed May 6th
Saltville MD (SALTV_1) - Tazewell, Smyth Completed June 11th
Jewell Ridge MD (BRADS_1) - Buchanan Completed June 11th
Meadows of Dan MD (MEADO_1) - Patrick Completed June 6th

VDACS’ Spongy Moth Slow the Spread Office

Click here for Office of Plant Industry Services contact information.

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