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The Nursery Inspection Program conducts inspections of nursery stock in an effort to prevent the spread of insect, weed and disease pests. Each year, the Office of Plant Industry Services inspects more than 8,500 acres of nursery stock for pests and diseases. More than 2,000 nurseries and nursery stock dealers are registered to operate within Virginia.

The Plants and Plant Products Inspection Law authorizes and requires the annual registration and inspection of all plant nurseries including hops in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This law also authorizes the registration and inspection of retail establishments selling nursery stock.

NOTICE: In July 2018, a change in Virginia's Plants and Plant Products Inspection Law (Code of Virginia, Section 3.2-3803) allows for the assessment of late fees if a nursery dealer or grower fails to renew their license within the 30 days following the December 31 expiration date. A $50 late fee for growers and a $15 late fee for dealers will be charged in addition to the license fee.

Nursery Inspection Resources

Additional Links

Contact your regional Office of Plant Industry Services office for questions and to schedule an inspection.

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