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How to Register your Cattle Brand

Please review the Requirements Governing the Branding of Cattle in Virginia regulation. This regulation will keep you in compliance with Virginia’s cattle branding laws.

A current Register of Cattle Brands is maintained by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) and updated annually. If you are interested in registering your cattle brand, please print and complete the Cattle Brand Application. After receiving your application, VDACS will examine your cattle brand to ensure that it is not a duplicate. If accepted, VDACS will process your application fee, add your brand to the register and mail your cattle brand certificate.

All brand registrations will expire on June 30, 2024, at which time VDACS will send renewal letters. Brands must be either renewed or transferred, or they are no longer registered.

Virginia does not currently have a brand registry for horses.

Information & Resources

Click here for Office of Veterinary Services contact information.