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Virginia regulations govern the entry of animals into the Commonwealth. If you are bringing an animal into Virginia, please click on the appropriate link below to find out what is required.

Any livestock entering Virginia from a region in which vesicular stomatitis has been diagnosed within the 14 days prior to the livestock's entry into Virginia or from a region in which a premises quarantined for vesicular stomatitis is located shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection dated within the 14 days prior to the livestock's entry into Virginia. The Certificate of Veterinary Inspection shall include the following statement: "All animals identified on this Certificate of Veterinary Inspection have been inspected and found to be free from clinical signs of vesicular stomatitis.

Transporting Animals across State Lines

Please check with the destination state to learn what health certificate forms they accept. All states accept the following electronic health certificates:

Small Animal Large Animal

If you have questions about Virginia’s animal admission requirements, please contact the Office of Veterinary Services.

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