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Virginia regulations govern the entry of animals into the Commonwealth. If you are bringing an animal into Virginia, please click on the appropriate link below to find out what is required.

  • Poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites, and game birds such as quail or partridge)
  • Primates (monkeys & apes)
  • Swine (including pet pigs)
  • Other Animals (such as reptiles, large cats, bears)

Virginia regulations govern the entry of animals into the Commonwealth. Details are available in Virginia’s Horse Entry Requirements.

All horses entering Virginia require a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) or an unexpired Extended Equine Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. All horses entering Virginia must be officially tested and found negative for equine infectious anemia (EIA) within the past 12 months and be accompanied by an official test certificate; please include accession number, lab name and result date on the CVI. Foals six months of age or under accompanying a negative dam are exempt from testing.

Permits are required for horses entering Virginia from EIA infected premises, and for horses two years of age or older that are entering Virginia from, or have passed through, a premise or country where contagious equine metritis occurs. Please contact the Office of Veterinary Services if you require a permit.

If you have questions about Virginia’s animal admission requirements, please contact the Office of Veterinary Services.

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