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The Code of Virginia requires the Charitable Gaming Board to promulgate regulations governing all aspects of charitable gaming, including the electronic and mechanical equipment used in the conduct of gaming.

Virginia’s Charitable Gaming Regulations provide, in part, that the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) shall set manufacturing and testing criteria for all electronic bingo devices, electronic pull-tab systems and other equipment used in the conduct of charitable gaming. No electronic bingo device or electronic pull-tab systems may be sold, leased or used in the conduct of charitable gaming until an identical device containing identical software has been evaluated and approved by a testing laboratory that has been formally recognized by VDACS to uphold established standards of integrity.

VDACS recognizes the following three laboratories as authorized to conduct the requisite equipment evaluation and approval described above.

815 Pilot Road, Suite G
Las Vegas, NV 89119
6401 Davis Industrial Parkway
Solon, OH 44139
600 Airport Road
Lakewood, NJ 08701

Click here for Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs contact information.

If you would like to file a complaint concerning charitable gaming activities in Virginia, call the OCRP complaint line at 804.371.0498.

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