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Grain Services is a grading and inspection program in the Division of Commodity Services.  The program provides inspection and weighing services for both domestic and export markets. Quality is certified according to the official U.S. standards for specific grains.

Grain Services enforces Virginia's grain laws for grain handlers and dealers, assuring that grading, weighing and records are accurate and Virginia grain producers receive prompt and accurate payment. To teach proper grading procedures, Grain Services holds informative grain grading workshops for producers and industry.

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has Grain Services offices in Chesapeake and Richmond. Equipped with grain grading labs, these offices are staffed with knowledgeable employees to answer questions and provide information.

Grading/Inspection for Domestic & Export Needs

Hosea Fortune, Program Manager
Chesapeake Office, Grain Services

Virginia Grain Laws, Licenses, Information & Forms

Elizabeth Manning
Grain Law Compliance Officer

Click here for additional Division of Commodity Services contact.

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