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Pesticide Product Registration

Check Registration Status

To check the registration status, please see the links below. If additional assistance is needed, please send an email to opsclrt.vdacs@vdacs.virginia.gov.

Register a New Product

Pesticide product registrants have three options when registering a new pesticide: 1) VDACS online pesticide product registration system; 2) by mail; or 3) via Kelly Solutions. Pesticide product registrants electing to use VDACS online system the will have their certificates of registration and all other correspondence sent electronically. Pesticide product registrants electing to continue to use the paper-based process will continue to have their certificates of registration and all other correspondence sent via regular mail. All applications and other submissions will continue to be processed based on the date of receipt in OPS. This includes both paper and online submissions.

Interested registrants may access the online portal. Once on the Online Registration Landing Page, select the link under the Pesticide Product Registration header to go to the Online Pesticide Product Registration Page. Further instructions are provided online to assist you at each step. Registrants who have previously registered pesticides should send an email to opsclrt.vdacs@vdacs.virginia.gov to request access to their existing account to avoid creating a duplicate record.

Should you have any questions, please send an to opsclrt.vdacs@vdacs.virginia.gov.

Annual Product Renewals

Pesticide product registrants have multiple options to renew the registrations of existing pesticide products. In addition to the options below, registrants now have the option to renew their registrations via an online portal. Pesticide product registrants electing to use the online system the will have their certificates of registration and all other correspondence sent electronically. Pesticide product registrants electing to continue to use the paper-based process will continue to have their certificates of registration and all other correspondence sent via regular mail. All applications and other submissions will continue to be processed based on the date of receipt in OPS. This includes both paper and online submissions.

Interested registrants may access the online portal. Once on the Online Registration Landing Page, select the link under the Pesticide Product Registration header to go to the Online Pesticide Product Registration Page. Further instructions are provided online to assist you at each step.

Exemptions from Product Registration Fees

Alternate product names (those products which have the same formulation, same manufacturer, contain the same labeling claims and bear designations identifying the products as the same pesticide) must be registered separately on an annual basis. However, there is no additional registration fee.

Experimental Use Products are exempt from the annual product registration fees. These are pesticides undergoing field evaluation studies in Virginia and are not sold to researchers cooperating in these field studies.

Click here for Office of Pesticide Services contact information.

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