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Virginia’s Food Distribution program manages the distribution of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) donated foods and administrative funds to approximately 500 public and private entities throughout Virginia. Recipients include Virginia's public and private schools, hospitals, nursing homes, soup kitchens, elderly nutritional programs, correctional facilities, summer programs and day care centers. Foods are also made available to food banks for distribution to Virginians in need.

This program proudly supports Virginia’s agriculture industry and markets Virginia products as well as USDA-donated foods to schools and institutional buyers. Contact the Food Distribution program if you have a product suitable for Virginia food service programs.

Farm to School

The eighth annual Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth was held during Virginia Farm to School Week, which is always during the second week of October. Across the Commonwealth, Virginians participated in the "Crunch" and made noise for farm to school programs by taking a bite out of a fresh, Virginia-grown apple on the same day.

All Virginians are encouraged to participate in 2025 and "Crunch" a Virginia-grown apple at any location (e.g. classroom, cafeteria, early care education site, adult day care program, farm, office, outdoors, at home in a virtual learning setting, etc.). Please check this website often for updates and registration information.

Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program Plus Grant - Now CLOSED

VDACS is seeking proposals from agencies that have the capacity to procure local foods from farmers and growers to be distributed to persons in need or be provided to charitable food assistance organizations that can distribute to persons in need across the state. View the guidelines for more information.

Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program Cooperative Agreement - Now CLOSED

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, is entering into a cooperative agreement with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for a Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program Cooperative Agreement. VDACS will develop and administer coordinated initiatives to build resilience across the middle-of-the-food-supply-chain. Funds will support expanded capacity for the aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, and distribution of locally and regionally produced food products, including specialty crops, dairy, grains for human consumption, aquaculture, and other food products, excluding meat and poultry. VDACS will work in partnership with USDA to make competitive subawards to support infrastructure in the middle-of-the-supply-chain for domestic food and farm businesses and other eligible entities. Application period March 15th thru April 15th 2024.

Applications Resources

Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program Grant - Now Closed

VDACS is seeking proposals from charitable food assistance organizations with a plan to engage local farmers and growers to purchase agricultural products that will be distributed to persons in need.

Virginia Farm to Virginia Families Food Box Program

VDACS is seeking proposals from charitable food assistance organizations with a plan to engage local farmers and growers to purchase agricultural products that will be distributed to persons in need.

USDA Foods Ordered

Inbound USDA food shipments for Virginia schools are available via Web-Based Supply Chain Management (WBSCM).

USDA Commodity Processing

Virginia's Food Distribution program offers further processing for many USDA commodities such as cheese, fruits, meats and poultry. The option is offered to public schools as an alternative to receiving the products directly from USDA.

Information & Resources

Seth Benton
Program Manager, Food Distribution

Norma Adkins
Program Coordinator

Lamont White
Processing Specialist

Katrina Ravnall
The Emergency Food Assistance Program

Click here for regional Food Distribution program contacts.

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